

Today, ZUL RAFIQUE & partners held its first ever Breakfast Briefing session, Breakfast Briefing @ ZRp, or BBZ. BBZ is a platform for our partners or lawyers to give briefings or updates on the latest development in the law or any relevant topics of interest for particular areas to our existing and prospective clients.
Mr P Jayasingam, our head of Employment & Industrial Relations and Litigation department, delivered a warm welcoming speech to our guests
Ms Farah Shuhadah and associate, Lee Yee Fern with Petronas’ legal team

In our first BBZ, we invited our clients to join us for a morning of good food and a great knowledge sharing session, where Ms Wong Keat Ching, from our Employment & Industrial relations practice group spoke on Social Media Misconduct and Ms Farah Shuhadah Razali, from our Litigation practice group shared her insight on Online Defamation to more than 45 guests today.

Ms Wong Keat Ching had the crowd moving during her talk on Social Media Misconduct
Ms Farah Shuhadah got the crowd’s attention on what constitutes Online Defamation with reference to Malaysian case studies 
Don’t forget to post and share your pictures and memories on social medias and hashtag #BBZRP !

Social Media Misconduct by Ms Wong Keat Ching, Partner, Employment & Industrial Relations
Online Defamation by Ms Farah Shuhadah Razali, Partner, Litigation

For more on legal news, recent case updates and announcements: Knowledge Centre | Instagram: @zrpnews | LinkedIn: Zul Rafique & Partners